COPPER VEIL.- A Topography of Love, Unity & Balance.

COPPER VEIL.- A Topography of Love, Unity & Balance.

By Sandra Morales

Copper: Chemical element
Symbol: Cu
Atomic number: 29
In some cultures, copper is believed to conduct spiritual energy between individuals and to heal and repair the body by soul stimulation and free flowing emotions.

A soft and ductile metal with a very high thermal and electrical conductivity. Red-orange in colour, it's one of the few metals that occur in nature in a direct metallic form which led to an early human use. Today, we're dissecting our Copper veil, inspired by the geological folds of this beautiful transition metal. 



1. Balance // Altitude

Copper is an essential trace element vital to all living things. In humans, a fundamental component for existence. Its imbalance can result in a range of physical, emotional and mental disorders. The top fold in our Copper veil represents a balance that comes from an understanding and a connection to mind body and soul. A celebration of contentment in the material world as well as the spiritual world.

 2.Unity // Latitude

We take copper's natural property as a conductor of heat and electricity, as an expression of the state of being united or joined as a whole. The middle fold of our Copper veil embodies a deep exploration of the spiritual experience of universal oneness. 

3. Love // Longitude

Copper is produced in massive stars and it's found in our liver, brain, heart, kidneys, and skeletal muscle. A gentle reminder that we are starstuff and, in a cosmic perspective, we truly are all connected. The bottom fold of our Copper veil, represents the lengths our love can travel and the range of emotions than encompass this essential mental state.







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