Five Elements of Ritual: Transforming our Reality Through Ceremony
By Ofrenda Studio
Above our Ritual Veil photographed by Jesseca Aleece X The Lane
A ritual is a ceremonial act that satisfies the compelling human need to merge with eternity. It reminds us of a larger reality to which we have visceral access only. Like sex, solitary or shared, provides us with a way to intimately relate with a primal universal power that fuels our existence; ceremony is our passage to the divine.We do not need a collection of prescribed observances in order to express a pertinent ceremonial manifestation of our truest selves. We do not need priests or gurus to create and preside our relevant passages. The human experience is individually unique therefore we each have within us the resources to create a poignant ritual to celebrate our existence.

Each of our veils is represented by a symbol as a reminder of how a veil can evoke meaning beyond itself.
Listening to your inner voice and trusting your intuition, helps bring the confidence in our sense of ritual appropriateness and our own ceremonial competence so we can begin nurturing our creativity and freeing our spontaneity. If we liberate ourselves to follow our private cues, we can develop our own symbolic language and reinvent a ritual vocabulary, which can enrich our extraordinary events as well as our dailiness with clarity, energy, meaning and grace.
Find below a list of elements that rituals bring to our lives making the conventional seem unique, and the unique, exceptional:ProfundityA ritual can provide a sense of profundity and help get in touch with the deeper qualities of our human-ness. Done whole-heartedly, they help us discover and express some of our deepest feelings and aspirations.DimensionRituals serve as a bridge between our outer and inner worlds, a throughway to meaning, purpose and fulfillment in life.EmotionThe act of performance regulates emotions and keeps us from our anxious intrusive thoughts while restoring the sense of personal order. When performed with others, leads to emotional synchrony and feelings of connection and unity.PerceptionCreates feelings of selftranscendence, allowing a person to escape ego-based thoughts and anxieties.DistinctionA ceremony attaches great value to the desired purpose and invokes a primal understanding of universal paradigms as unity, continuity, connectivity, reverence and awe.
Through the practice of ritual we experience ourselves as prepared, present, passionate, conscientious and powerful. If we assume the authority to set aside time to claim the psychic space for ceremony, we're able to transform our perceptions, our perspectives, our experiences, and in the process, our reality.
If you're planning a wedding, take this time to think how can you stamp your mark to the event incorporating a ritual that represents you and your spouse's intentions for this marriage. E. G.: A song, light a fire, plant a tree, light a unity candle, a lasso ceremony, a freehand sketch...A song.
Words and graphics by @hellosandrahere